Unemployment in Montevideo (1985-2019).
Analysis of age, period and cohorts
histéresis, efecto cicatriz, tiempoAbstract
Youth unemployment is one of the keys in youth studies. One of the premises that is usually considered given (unquestioned and unquestionable) is that young people suffer from unemployment to a greater extent than adults. However, we can ask ourselves, has it always been the same? Does it affect some birth cohorts more than others? Does it vary in different historical periods? Even going further, if for different cohorts the effects on youth unemployment as a result of their structural positions (intra-cohort) are invariant over time. This article aims to answer these questions using a long series in time (1985-2019) of Continuous Household Surveys in Uruguay, using the Age-Cohort-Period Detrended (ACPD) technique. The tool allows distinguishing the effects of these three variables (age, cohort, period) that are a linear combination. The results obtained open up new discussions and question the use that is usually made of "young people"; as if age itself equaled them, and above all if throughout history being young had the same consequences, in this case addressing unemployment.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Verónica Filardo, Mariana Cabrera
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