Early vocational decisions of secondary technical-professional students in Chile.

A study of their aspirations





educación secundaria técnico-profesional, estudiantes, aspiraciones


This article discusses a study on the process 10th grade Chilean students of compulsory education use to make their vocational choices, paying particular attention to those opting for the curricular alternative of a technical profession. The work addresses their expressed aspirations for the future and the different factors that influence these decisions (institutional, by specific educational agents, family, and personal). Based on a survey of 2500 students from 25 schools in the city of Santiago, it is concluded that the vocational decision process that occurs in the school stage is not homogeneous and, in most cases, is conditioned by an institutional model that offers few choice alternatives for young students


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Author Biography

  • Leandro Sepúlveda, Universidad Alberto Hurtado

    Antropólogo social y doctor en el Estudio de las Sociedades Latinoamericanas por la Universidad de Artes y Ciencias Sociales de Santiago de Chile. Investigador de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile.


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How to Cite

Early vocational decisions of secondary technical-professional students in Chile. : A study of their aspirations. (2024). Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 37(54). https://doi.org/10.26489/rvs.v37i54.4