Trends in the school-work transition.
The case of the Youth Research in Brazil
youth, social inequalities, school-to-work transition, occupationAbstract
Assuming that youth is a fruitful position for the analysis of society and that school and work act as anchors in the process of socialization, we present a research excerpt collected in 2019, involving 934 valid questionnaires. Focused on the theme of the relationship between education and work and targeting the age group of 18 to 24 years, the study aims to explore variations in occupations in terms of race/color, socioeconomic group (GSE), and gender. The analysis of variations in anchors for these divisions demonstrates trends that outline specific characteristics of the analyzed groups in terms of intensity, institutional fragilities, and ambiguities found in such transitions. This shows, on the one hand, the effectiveness of analyses based on the anchoring of occupations and, on the other hand, indicates the need for further studies for a deeper understanding of the subject.
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