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Author Guidelines

Editorial rules for the presentation of original articles for the Revista de Ciencias Sociales

General rules

The Revista de Ciencias Sociales of the Department of Sociology of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of the Republic, Uruguay, is a semi-annual and arbitrated publication. It receives unpublished articles of social sciences, in Spanish, English and Portuguese, which have not been presented or are in the process of being evaluated in other publications. Original papers must be submitted by registering on the journal's platform (<>), uploading the file in DOC format, as indicated in the steps of the system.

Selection and arbitration
The Editorial Committee decides, without knowing the author of the article, if the subject of the work is within the theme of the journal and if it complies with the editorial norms. If accepted, the author must sign a letter stating that the article is unpublished and is not being evaluated by another publication. Once the letter has been received by the Editorial Committee, the article is sent, for evaluation, to at least two external arbitrators, national or foreign, of recognized trajectory in the subject matter. The arbitrators do not know the identity of the author and the author ignores the identity of the arbitrators, according to the system known as "double blind." Within three weeks, the arbitrators make their observations, using a form with various items (purpose of the article, analysis and theoretical discussion, methodology, language, conclusions, bibliography, etc.) and a final judgment according to the following possibilities:
· Publishable.
· Publishable with minimal changes.
· Publishable subject to major modifications.
· Not publishable.
In case of controversy, evaluations are sent to a third evaluator whose decision will determine the publication or not of the article.

The Editorial Board of the journal sends the evaluations to the author, who will have two weeks to make, if applicable, the modifications to the article. The suggestions provided should be considered and the modifications made to the article should be specified on a separate page. Subsequently, those who evaluate will confirm that their observations and recommendations have been contemplated in the article and will issue the ruling in this regard (accepted or rejected).

Once the 'double-blind' evaluation process has begun, in the event that the author/s decide to withdraw the submitted article, the Editorial Committee will not accept works of authorship for the next three issues of the Journal.

The presentation
The text must have a maximum total length of 50,000 characters with spaces. The article must include a summary in Spanish, English and Portuguese, of a maximum of 800 characters with spaces, and up to five keywords, in the three languages. In the case of abstracts in English and Portuguese, the title of the article in those languages ​​must be included at the beginning.
Two files must be submitted, one authored and one anonymized for double-blind evaluation.

The file with authorship must include the title and the name of those who wrote it and be preceded by a page with the following information:

1. Title of the article, abstract and keywords in Spanish, English and Portuguese
2. Authorship data:
2.1 Name(s) and surname(s)
2.2 Degree
2.3 Institutional affiliation and position
2.4 Country of reference
2.5 Email address
2.5 Identification number ORCID
2.6 Authorial contribution of each participant (percentage or descriptive)

In the anonymized file:

1. Remove the names of those responsible for the authorship of the article
2. Avoid references in the text that allow identification of the author and replace them with the following phrase: "Extracted the data for evaluation purposes."
3. Delete from the document properties any data that makes it possible to identify the authorship.

Maximum extent measured in characters with spaces:
· Main title: 50.
· Secondary title: 45.
· Subtitles: 60.
It is recommended to include a subtitle every 4,000 characters, approximately.

Use of italics
The use of italics will be reserved to highlight those concepts or force ideas that the author wishes to highlight. In no case should bold or underlined be used for this purpose. The italics will also apply to all foreign language terms. In these cases, they must be followed by the translation in parentheses the first time they appear in the text.

Figures followed by the percentage symbol (%) should be used to indicate a percentage value, except when it is at the beginning of a sentence. In this case, it must be written in letters (for example, Thirty-five percent ...).

Tables, graphs and images
Since the interior of the publications is printed in black and white, all the squares, graphs, maps and images included in the text will be presented in shades of gray. Eventually, styles such as dashes or dashes may be used in the graphics. The pictures and the graphicsmust be delivered in editable format (Word or Excel) with-out embedding.
The tables or graphs must be numbered correlatively with Arabic numerals before the title, such as:
Table 1. Schooling rates by age and income level per capita of households. 2006 In each chart, graph or illustration, the source must be indicated, such as:
Source: National Statistics Institute. Continuous Household Survey, September 2007.

In the event that the text includes maps, these should contain only the essential elements and avoid those that are excessively overloaded with drawing or text. The source should always be indicated.

Tables and graphs must be submitted in an editable format (Word or Excel). In addition, it is essential that all images are delivered in high quality formats (high resolution JPG), in separate files.
Articles with more than ten figures (charts, graphs and images) will not be accepted, which must be representative of the content of the article.

Citations and references

Citations and bibliographical references must be governed by the Harvard reference system, also known as the author-date system, according to which the reference in the text appears in parentheses and contains only the first two elements that are stated in the list of references: the author and the year of publication (Touraine, 1980). In addition, when the citation is textual, the number of the page from which it was taken or another location element must be added (Touraine, 1980, p. 250). In no case should the terms op. cit., idem or ibidem.
Verbatim quotes of up to 40 words must be enclosed in quotation marks and neither bold nor italics will be used to highlight them. Verbatim citations of more than 40 words must be placed in a separate paragraph, in a font size one point smaller than that of the body of the text and with left indentation.
In the case of a work of two or three authors, all must be named in the text. For example: (Caetano, Gallardo and Rilla, 1995). In the event that four or more authors are cited, the surname of the first followed by “et al.” will be included. Ex.: (Gambina et al., 2002, p. 119).
Whenever part of the text is omitted from a citation, ellipses will be written between brackets, as follows: […]. Similarly, any clarification that does not belong to the quoted text will be written in square brackets.
When, without citing an author verbatim, part of his work is summarized in his own words, the author's last name must be indicated, followed by the year of the work in parentheses. For example:
“Along with the globalization process, what Castells (2000) called the Information and Knowledge Society began to take shape…”.
When several authors are cited, all the corresponding data will be indicated. For example: (Touraine, 1980; Delgado, 1982). The same will be done when several works by the same author are cited, for example: (Touraine, 1980, 1989).
Footnotes: they will not be used for bibliographic references but only for terminological clarifications. Footnotes should go exclusively at the bottom of each page, not as notes at the end of the document.

List of bibliographical references
The bibliographic references list should include the data of all the works and authors cited in the article, even if the citations are not textual. The references must be presented in alphabetical order by author and respect the sequence of the da-ta, as it appears in the following examples:
Reference to a book:
Bourdieu, P. (2002). The office of sociologist-go. Buenos Aires: 21st century. Reference to a chapter:
Caetano, G. (1991). Notes for a historical re-vision on the “national question” in Uruguay. In: H. Achugar (1991). Culture (s) and nation in Uruguay at the end of the century. Montevideo: Fesur, pp. 17-45.

Reference to a magazine article:
Quinteros, A.M. (2008) Social work, families and ethical dilemmas. Social Work: Regional Journal of Social Work, 44 (22), pp. 52-62.

When the book, article or chapter has multiple authors, all of them must be mentioned in the order in which they appear in the publication.

For resources taken from the Web:
Cite the data according to whether it is a free, a book article, a magazine or a newspaper or newspaper article. Include the date on which the website was accessed, as well as the electronic address or URL in angle brackets < >. For example:
UNDP Human Development Report [online]. Available at: [accessed 02/15/2011].

The Revista de Ciencias Sociales does not charge for processing articles, publishing them or accessing them after they are published. After being published in the Magazine, the author retains his right to publish his entire article in other spaces.

Open Access Policy
Partial or total reproduction of articles published here is allowed, provided the source is mentioned. The Revista de Ciencias Sociales is part of a set of initiatives that promote free access to knowledge, so all its contents are freely available and free and are published under the Creative Commons CC BY SA license (see

Ethical standards
The Revista de Ciencias Sociales adheres to the international standards published by the Ethics Committee in Publication (COPE) to guarantee transparency in the processes of publication of articles and in the conflicts that may arise from them.
The RCS uses the VIPER antiplagiarism software with which all items received are analyzed.

Digital preservation policy

DOI (Digital Object Identifier), granted by the publishing agency. Crossref record Storage in the institutional repository of the University of the Republic (Colibrí). As a SciELO accredited journal you will have access to LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keeps Stuff Safe).

Privacy statement
The names and email addresses included in this magazine will be used exclusively for the purposes stated in it and will not be provided to third parties or used for any other purpose.

Other considerations
The maximum delivery times are announced when calls are made for the presentation of dossier proposals or thematic articles.
The Revista de Ciencias Sociales uses the social network Twitter.


If you have any questions about submitting articles, you can contact the editing team:


Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.